A2 CofC Mock Exam
On our A2 Certificate of competency A2 CofC course we have a 56 multiple choice A2 CofC Mock Exam that all of our students can take multiple time to prepare themselves for the live exam.
To get your A2 Certificate of Competency (A2CofC) you need to complete an A2 CofC Training Course and Theory Exam with a CAA Approved Drone Training school (RAE) like us and then you can take advantage of the opportunities this new qualification offers for Drone Pilots who want to fly small drones.
What is the A2 CofC Theory Exam
The exam sat in formal conditions consists of a minimum of 30 multiple-choice questions, specifically covering meteorology; UAS flight performance; and technical and operational mitigations for ground risk.
The exam is a closed-book format (except when questions require reference to charts, or other sources of specific aeronautical information) and the minimum pass mark is 75%.
The examination will last for 75 minutes. Any candidate with a recognised disability or additional needs (e.g. dyslexia or dyspraxia) will be given an additional 15 minutes.
What do I do if I fail the A2 CofC theory test
There's a lot of information to take in and you might slip up on a difficult question or a complex flight task.
Our A2 CofC mock exam is part of your A2 CofC course. It is multiple choice with a 75% pass mark. You can take our Mock Exam as many time as you wish before you sit the real exam.
You'll have a chance to go away and brush up on your skills before re-taking the A2 CofC mock exam at a time that's right for you.
In the unlikely event tht you fail the live theory test we will offer one free resit for a period of 12 months after you have failed your first exam.
Any candidates who need to resit the test over a year after failing the first will have to pay a nominal fee as well as sit the exam.
Five Mock Exam Questions
Here are 5 A2 CofC Mock Exam questions for you to try. Press the blue "Start Quiz" button below.
To get full access to the 56 questions you can enrol on the course here