The full title description of the A2 CofC is an A2 Certificate of Competency.
How long does the course take?
This depends on how much time you are willing to commit to the course in one go and how easy you find it to soak up information. Some students complete the course and mock exams in 1 day, some take a few weeks due to other time / family commitments. We put no time pressure on you.
There is approximately 2.5 hours of excellent online teaching using video and presentations ending with a comprehensive online mock exam that you can re-take as many times as you wish.
Is it true you have to video my home during the online exam?
The online exam must be recorded using your webcam as we can be audited by the UK CAA.
Using the webcam we require you to show us the area around your computer to check you have no reference materials to hand during the exam. During the exam your webcam must show yourself and your computer screen at all times. Most people use their phone as a webcam or have a webcam on a cable.
Once I have completed the A2 CofC online course what is the waiting time for an online exam?
We can organise an online exam within 2 to 3 days of your request. To make timings more efficient your end, as you are coming to the end of the course you may with to contact us then at
How long is the A2 CofC exam, what is the format and how many questions are involved?
The A2 CofC exam is multiple choice and comprises of 30 questions. Each question has four answers from which you must choose one.
The A2CofC online exam has a time limit of 75 minutes, though most people complete it in 20 minutes. Working your way through the mock exam questions is very useful and makes the exam experience much easier.
Please contact info@commercialdronetraining.co.uk for more information.